Tingkah Laku Politik Pengundi Di Kawasan DUN Panchor, Kelantan
The Political Behaviour of Voters in the State Legislative Assembly Area of Panchor, Kelantan
Dinamika politik Malaysia yang unik mempengaruhi tingkah laku politik masyarakat untuk mengundi parti politik kegemaran masing-masing sebagai salah satu hak rakyat untuk mengundi pemimpin yang berkaliber. Pemahaman atau ideologi sesebuah parti politik yang berbeza mampu mencorakkan tahap tingkah laku individu tersebut untuk keluar mengundi parti kegemaran berdasarkan minat, tingkah laku dan tahap pemahaman individu terhadap parti politik tersebut. Tingkah laku politik pengundi juga memberi salah satu perhatian terhadap fenomena politik yang berlaku dan menfokuskan kepada struktur dinamika politik itu sendiri dan bagaimana ia mempengaruhi keputusan politik, kuasa dan struktur sosioekonomi negara. Justeru, adalah menjadi tujuan penulisan makalah ini untuk mengkaji faktor sokongan pengundi terhadap parti politik di kawasan DUN Panchor, Kelantan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah mengumpul data lapangan yang melibatkan soal selidik, temu bual dan pemerhatian di lapangan. Teknik menganalisis data digunakan dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa 96 peratus responden menyatakan faktor utama pengundi mengundi Perikatan Nasional (PN) adalah atas dasar pengalaman dan jasa ketika mentadbir negara ketika era Pandemik COVID-19. Seterusnya, 96 peratus responden menganggap PAS memperjuangkan syariat Islam sebagai tonggak tertinggi dan 58 peratus responden pula mengundi PH disebabkan oleh parti berbilang kaum yang sesuai dengan etnik pengundi. Seterusnya, 83.7 peratus responden menyatakan jasa BN dalam memajukan negara merupakan salah satu faktor pengundi mengundi Barisan Nasional (BN). Hasil kajian juga mendapati bahawa 100 responden merasakan pemilihan parti politik memberi kesan kepada pembentukan kerajaan. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini penting kerana dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan, dapat memberi penerangan tentang sikap pengundi yang mencorakkan identiti parti politik itu sendiri, dapat menambah data berkaitan kajian politik pilihan raya dan diharap menjadi rujukan kepada parti politik dan pihak kerajaan supaya dapat meneliti isu dan permasalahan yang berlaku agar lebih peka dalam memenuhi keperluan masyarakat sebaik mungkin.
Kata Kunci: tingkah laku politik, parti politik, pengundi, fahaman politik, pilihan politik
The unique political dynamics of Malaysia influence the political behaviour of the community to vote for their individual favourite political party as one of the people's rights to vote for leaders of caliber. The understanding or ideology of a different political party can pattern the level of behaviour of the individual to get out to vote for the favourite party based on the individual's interests, behaviour, and level of understanding of the political party. Voter's political behaviour also pays attention to the prevailing political phenomena and focuses on the structure of political dynamics itself and how it influences political decisions, power, and the socio-economic structure of the country. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article to examine the factors of voter support for political parties in the state legislative assembly area of Panchor, Kelantan. This study used a method of collecting field data, which involved questionnaires, interviews, and field observations. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The results of the study found that 96 percent of respondents stated that the main factor for voters to vote for the Perikatan Nasional (PN) was based on experience and services when governing the country during the COVID-19 Pandemic era. Furthermore, 96 percent of respondents considered PAS fighting for Islamic law as the highest pillar and 58 percent of respondents voted for PH due to multi-racial parties that fit the voters' ethnicity. Furthermore, 83.7 percent of respondents stated that BN services in advancing the country were one of the factors of BN voters. The results of the study also found that 100 respondents felt that the election of political parties had an impact on government formation. In conclusion, this study is important because it can increase knowledge, can shed light on the attitudes of voters who pattern the identity of the political party itself, can add data related to the study of electoral politics and is expected to be a reference to political parties and the government so that they can examine the issues and problems that occur to be more sensitive in meeting the needs of the community as best as possible.
Keywords: political behaviours, party politics, voter, political understanding, political choice