Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkah Laku Konsumerisme Di Kalangan Golongan Muda Semasa Konsert Muzik Di Malaysia
Factors That Influence Consumerism Behavior Among Young People During Music Concerts In Malaysia
ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menilai tingkah laku konsumerisme golongan muda semasa konsert hiburan muzik di Malaysia. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan adalah berbentuk kualitatif. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah persampelan secara bukan kebarangkalian iaitu persampelan bertujuan yang memfokuskan informan daripada golongan muda berumur 16 hingga 32 tahun yang kerapmenghadiri konsert muzik. Pengkaji menetapkan seramai enam orang informan untuk menjawab temu bual. Informan-informan ini adalah terdiri daripada golongan muda yang kerap menghadiri konsert muzik dari artis tempatan mahupun artis antarabangsa serta membuat pembelian sebelum, semasa dan selepas konsert seperti pakaian, penginapan, barangan rasmi dan pengangkutan. Pengkaji ingin melihat faktor yang mempengaruhi konsumerisme golongan muda terhadap konsert hiburan muzik di Malaysia. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat beberapa faktor mempengaruhi yang terbahagi kepada faktor dalaman dan faktor luaran, faktor dalaman adalah faktor minat terhadap penyanyi tertentu serta ingin merasakan pengalaman dan suasana di konsert dan faktor ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) kerana melihat ramai yang menghadiri konsert. Manakala faktor luaran pula adalah faktor pengaruh Sosial daripada ahli keluarga, rakan sebaya dan media massa serta faktor jarak dan lokasi. Kesimpulannya, enam orang informan yang ditemu bual mempunyai faktor yang mempengaruhi mereka membuat konsumerisme semasa konsert hiburan muzik yang hampir sama.
Kata kunci : golongan muda, konsumerisme, tingkah laku, konsert hiburan muzik, sosiologi
This article aims to evaluate the consumer behavior of young people during music entertainment concerts in Malaysia. The research design used is qualitative. This study uses a non-probability sampling method which is purposive sampling that focuses on informants from young people aged 16 to 32 years who regularly attend music concerts. The researcher appointed a total of six informants to answer the interview. These informants are young people who regularly attend music concerts from local and international artists and make purchases such as clothes, accommodation, official goods, and transport before, during, and after the concert. The researcher wants to see the factors that influence the consumerism of young people towards musical entertainment concerts in Malaysia. The results of
the study found that there are several influencing factors which are divided into internal factors and external factors, internal factors are factors of interest in certain singers and wanting to feel the experience and atmosphere at the concert, and the factor of 'Fear of Missing Out' (FOMO) because of seeing many people attending the concert. External factors are social influence factors from family members, peers, and mass media as well as distance and location factors. In conclusion, the six informants interviewed had factors that influenced them to make consumerism during music entertainment concerts that were almost the same.
Keywords: young people, consumerism, behavior, music entertainment concert, sociology\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\