Profesionalisme Dakwah : Harapan dan Cabaran

  • Siti Rugayah Tibek, (Corresponding author) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Keywords: Da'wah Professionalism, Competence, Challenges, Character Development


The obligation of dawah (invitation to Islam) for every Muslim individual is clearly outlined in the Quran and Sunnah. Dawah involves encouraging good and preventing evil. However, within this broad concept of dawah, there are also more specific aspects, such as calling non-Muslims to Islam, explaining Islamic law, and preventing wrongdoing. In this context and demand, dawah needs to be carried out with competence, skills, and capabilities as a dai (preacher). Efforts to implement dawah more professionally need to be enhanced by focusing on several key areas. Firstly, there is the development of character, the skills of the dai, leadership, and more systematic organizational structuring. Character development encompasses the knowledge related to the subject matter of dawah and the methods of dawah. A common issue is that the balance of these capabilities is often questioned. Those who master the content or subject matter of dawah, or more specifically, the knowledge related to Islamic jurisprudence, may not have the supporting skills needed for dawah, such as communication, counseling, management, language, and sociology. Additionally, da'is often face challenges and constraints from the environment, such as concerns about maintaining peace, human rights, and so on. Nonetheless, Islamic scholars should seek directions and intensify efforts to achieve dawah professionalism so that the continuity of dawah practiced by the Prophet Muhammad can be maintained. Indeed, dawah professionalism is not new; it existed during the time of the Prophet and his companions. The current responsibility of da'is is to revive and adapt it to the present time.

Author Biography

Siti Rugayah Tibek, (Corresponding author), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Senior Lecturer
Jabatan Dakwah dan Kepimpinan
Fakulti Pengajian Islam,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bandar Baru Bangi
Email: gay@ukm.my


Al-Quran al-Karim

Fariza Md. Sham, Siti Rugayah Hj. Tibek, Othman Hj. Talib. 2006.

Dakwah dan Kaunseling di Malaysia. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Sidi Ghazalba & Zainab Ismail. 1993. Dakwah Islamiah Masa Kini.

Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Siti Rugayah Hj. Tibek, Salasiah Hanin Hamjah. 2006. Dakwah dan Pembangunan Masyarakat. Bangi: Jabatan Pengajian Dakwah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

How to Cite
Tibek, S. R. (2011). DA’WAH PROFESSIONALISM: HOPES AND CHALLENGES. Al-Hikmah, 3, 167-174. Retrieved from https://spaj.ukm.my/jalhikmah/index.php/jalhikmah/article/view/11

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