Adab Ikhtilaf dalam Dakwah Islamiyah
Ikhtilafis part of life that cannot be escaped but need to be managed in accordance with Islamic principles. Islamic da’wah greatly requires the ethics of disagreement (adab al-Ikhtilaf) so that the mission is understood and appreciated in the life of the Muslim community. Among the questions answered in this paper are whether the Islamic da’wah today meets the requirements of ethics of disagreement and also how it is applied in the da’wah itself. Thus, this article aims to reveal the meaning of ethics of disagreement, especially in Islamic da’wah and then examines the appropriate approaches to bring the success of spreading Islam. This study is a content analysis. The results of this research show that people need to understand the ethics of disagreement and the understanding of it can guarantee the success of da’wah. The approach of adab al-Ikhtilafis very necessary to preachers, as well as the selection of appropriate contents and contemporary medium.
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