Pemeliharaan Harta: Analisis Menurut Diwan Imam Shafi‘i
Protecting and preserving wealth is one of the maqasid (objectives) in Islam. The maqasid aim to safeguard human welfare and keep them away from harm. A mujtahid must understand the knowledge of maqasid before expressing his opinion. One of the mujtahids whose opinions are often accepted is Imam Shafi'i, a scholar proficient in various branches of knowledge, including fiqh and the Arabic language. However, his popularity in the field of fiqh is more prominent compared to the Arabic language. Since the maqasid of shariah are very important in financial matters related to wealth and finance, this study is necessary. Additionally, the study is important to focus on Imam Shafi'i's views on the preservation of wealth as expressed through his poetry. This study employs a qualitative method, using content analysis as the research design. The poetry is translated through communicative and semantic methods and then analyzed using stylistic theory. The findings of this study show that Imam Shafi'i encourages diligence in accumulating wealth, but the wealth should be distributed appropriately to ensure its preservation. Moreover, debts should be recorded in accordance with the Quran's recommendations. As a jurist, his views align with the theories of the Quran, Hadith, and the opinions of scholars. He also uses language that is consistent with the views of both past and present scholars in expressing his poetry.
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