Tazkiyat Al-Nafs dalam Kerangka Maqasid Al-Shari'a
Tazkiyat al-nafs is a process of spiritual education that is based on Islamic teachings in the form of inner purification and external development in order to withstand bad wills and attitude. Tazkiyat al-nafs is seen to be parallel with one the discussions around maqasid al-sharicah, i.e., hifz al-nafs. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the concept of tazkiyat al-nafs as well as the concept of maqasid al-sharicah in general, and later the concept of hifz al-nafs in particular in order to find out the existance of tazkiyat al-nafs in the framework of maqasid al-sharicah. This is a qualitative study with the design of content analysis. The results show that tazkiyat al-nafs is a branch of maqasid al-sharicah which exists within hifz al-nafs.
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