Author Details

MAHAMOD, ZAMRI, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

  • JPBM, Vol. 7, Bil. 1 (Mei 2017) - Articles
    KEBERKESANAN PEMBELAJARAN KOPERATIF TERHADAP PENCAPAIAN DAN MOTIVASI MURID SEKOLAH MENENGAH DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU (The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Towards Achievement and Students Motivation Secondary School in Malay Language Learning)
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  • JPBM, Vol. 7, Bil. 1 (Mei 2017) - Articles
    TAHAP PEMAHAMAN, PENGHAYATAN DAN PENGAMALAN JATI DIRI BAHASA MELAYU DALAM KALANGAN PELAJAR ALIRAN PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITI AWAM (The Level of Understanding, Appreciation and Practice of Identity Malay Language Among Students of Education in Public Universities)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, Vol. 7, Bil. 1 (Mei 2017) - Articles
    MENEROKA KAEDAH PENGAJARAN GURU CEMERLANG BAHASA MELAYU NEGERI SARAWAK: SATU KAJIAN KES (Exploring Teaching Methods of Sarawak Malay Language Excellent Teacher: A Case Study)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, Vol. 7, Bil. 2 (November 2017) - Articles
    PEMBANGUNAN MODUL BELAJAR-CARA-BELAJAR BAHASA MELAYU KOMUNIKASI (Development of A Module on Learning How-To-Learn Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, Vol. 7, Bil. 2 (November 2017) - Articles
    PEMBELAJARAN ABAD KE-21 DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP SIKAP, MOTIVASI DAN PENCAPAIAN BAHASA MELAYU PELAJAR SEKOLAH MENENGAH (21th Century Learning and the Influence of Attitude, Motivation and Achievements Malay Language Secondary School Student)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 8, BIL. 1 (MEI 2018) - Articles
    TAHAP PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP DAN KESEDIAAN PELAJAR TINGKATAN 4TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN PEMBELAJARAN PERSEKITARAN MAYA VLE FROG DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU (The Level of Knowledge, Attitudes and Readiness Form 4 Students to the Using of Virtual Learning Environment VLE Frog in Malay Language Learning)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 9, BIL. 1 (MEI 2019) - Articles
    TEKNIK LAKARAN BERSAMA PETA ALIR I-THINK MENINGKATKAN KEMAHIRAN MENJANA IDEA MURID ETNIK LUN BAWANG DALAM KARANGAN AUTOBIOGRAFI (Scetch Technique with i-Think Flow Map to Improve Generating Ideas Skill among Lun Bawang Students Ethnic in Autobiography Writing)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 9, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2019) - Articles
    HUBUNGAN FAKTOR PENGETAHUAN KEMAHIRAN ABAD KE-21 DENGAN FAKTOR UMUR, KELAYAKAN AKADEMIK DAN PENGALAMAN MENGAJAR GURU BAHASA MELAYU DI DAERAH SIBU, SARAWAK (The Relationship of Knowledge Factor 21st Century Skill with Age Factor, Academic Qualification and Teaching Experience among Malay Language Teachers in Sibu District, Sarawak)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 10, BIL. 1 (MEI 2020) - Articles
    TAHAP PEMAHAMAN, PENGHAYATAN DAN PENGAMALAN JATI DIRI BAHASA MELAYU DALAM KALANGAN RAKYAT MALAYSIA (The Level of Understanding, Appreciation and Practice of Identity of the Malay Language among Malaysians Citizen)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 10, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2020) - Articles
    TAHAP PENGUASAAN MEMBACA DAN MENULIS MURID B40 DARI PERSPEKTIF GURU BAHASA MELAYU (The Level of Reading and Writing Profiency among B40 Students from Malay Language Teachers’ Perspective)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 11, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2021) - Articles
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 12, BIL. 1 (MEI 2022) - Articles
    PERBEZAAN PENERAPAN AKTIVITI DIDIK HIBUR SECARA BERSEMUKA DAN DALAM TALIAN BERDASARKAN JANTINA DAN PENGALAMAN MENGAJAR GURU BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH (The Differences in the Application Fun Learning in Face-to-Face and Online Learning Based on Gender and the Experience of Teaching Primary School Malay Language Teachers)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 13, BIL. 1 (MEI 2023) - Articles
    TAHAP KEMAHIRAN PEDAGOGI, MOTIVASI DAN SIKAP GURU-GURU BUKAN OPSYEN SEKOLAH RENDAH DALAM PENGAJARAN BAHASA MELAYU (The Level of Pedagogy Skills, Motivation and Attitude of Non-Option Primary School Teachers in Malay Language Teaching)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 13, BIL. 1 (MEI 2023) - Articles
    KEKANGAN DAN STRATEGI GURU BAHASA MELAYU SEKOLAH RENDAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI MURID SELEPAS PASCA PANDEMIK COVID-19 (Constraints and Strategies of Primary School Malay Language Teachers in Increasing Student Motivation After Post Pandemic COVID-19)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 13, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2023) - Articles
    AMALAN GURU BAHASA MELAYU DI SEKOLAH KURANG MURID DALAM MELAKSANAKAN DAN MELAPORKAN PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH (Practices of Malay Language Teachers in Low-Enrolment Schools in Implementing and Reporting Classroom Based Assessment)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 14, BIL. 1 (MEI 2024) - Articles
    PENGETAHUAN TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT DAN KOMUNIKASI DALAM PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN GURU KESUSASTERAAN MELAYU (Knowledge of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning of Malay Literature Teachers)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 14, BIL. 1 (MEI 2024) - Articles
    FAKTOR-FAKTOR GURU BERSARA AWAL: SATU KAJIAN KES DALAM KALANGAN GURU BAHASA MELAYU DI TIGA JENIS SEKOLAH RENDAH DI ZON GEMENCHEH (The Factors of Early Retired Teachers: A Case Study among Malay Language Teacher at Three Type Primary School in Gemencheh Zone)
    Abstract  PDF
  • JPBM, VOL. 14, BIL. 2 (NOVEMBER 2024) - Articles
    STRATEGI DAN CABARAN PENGAJARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA YANG DIGUNAKAN OLEH GURU BAHASA MELAYU DARI SEKOLAH JENIS KEBANGSAAN CINA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA MURID TAHAP 1 (Strategies and Challenges Teaching Reading Skill Usage by Malay Language Teacher from Chinese Type National School into Increase Reading Skill Level 1 Students)
    Abstract  PDF